51-Year-Old Driver Kills An Innocent Bicyclist In Oxnard, California

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Taking bike rides around Oxnard, California, is a great way to exercise your muscles and an efficient way to get around town. Biking can come with many benefits, just as it can come with its downfalls. Riding a bike can emit less pollution while enhancing your health, but it runs the risk of putting you at arm’s length away from harm. Bicyclists have less armor with which to protect themselves. They may have helmets, knee pads, and elbow pads, but that does not eliminate the chance of being struck by a vehicle.

What Exactly Happened In This Bicycle Accident?

On an early morning in Oxnard, California, Rojelio Minjarez, a 39-year-old, was riding down the street on his bicycle when a 51-year-old driver of a van struck him. The 2018 transit van crashed into the bicyclist near J Street. Unfortunately, Minjarez suffered several blunt-force head traumas that left him dead at the scene.

Authorities could not conclude at the time whether drugs or alcohol were involved in the crash.

Potential Bicycle Accident Injuries

A bicyclist does not get the same luxury as a vehicle passenger of having the extra protection. Without that extra protection, their risks of getting injured on the road are significantly higher than a vehicle passenger. Bike riders should wear a helmet to prevent the following injuries:

  • Concussion
  • Skull fracture
  • Cognitive, physical, and or behavioral impairment
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Face fracture
  • Hematoma
  • Intracranial Hemorrhage
  • Dental fractures
  • Puncture wounds
  • Face contusions

Knee pads and elbow pads can only prevent so much damage from happening. California’s State laws do not require anyone over the age of 18 to wear protective gear while riding. The following injuries could occur:

    • Torn ligaments
    • Broken bones
    • Tendonitis
    • Bruises
    • Muscle sprains and strains
    • Road rash
    • Scrapes and cuts
    • Internal bleeding
    • Spine injuries
    • Ruptured discs
    • Dislocated bones

A vehicle can weigh anywhere between 3,000 – 9,000 pounds, depending on whether it is a compact car, midsize sedan, or truck. A vehicle weighing that much can easily knock a bicyclist off their bike. A helmet, elbow pads, and knee pads are not going to prevent thousands of pounds from harming them. It will act as a small cushion for a possible small minor accident. According to California’s Department of Transportation’s latest reporting year, 30 total bicycle accidents happened in just Ventura County, not counting the other bicycle accidents that occurred in many other counties in California.

Our Skilled Ventura Bicyclist Accident Attorneys Want To Fight For You

With the help of a bicyclist accident attorney in Ventura County, California, the victim can finally breathe easier knowing that their case is being carefully handled by an experienced attorney. The attorneys know what to do and how to execute those actions; there is no need for the victim to put a mental strain on themselves by attempting to solve their own case.

If you or somebody you care about needs a Ventura County bicyclist attorney, reach out to our team at The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman by clicking here or calling us at 805-983-2344.

The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman has a focus on personal injury cases in other parts of California.

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