Ventura County Elder Abuse Attorney

When you enroll your loved one into a nursing home or assisted living facility, you are trusting it to provide loving, mindful care to a very important person in your life. Unfortunately, nursing home employees and staff are negligent, causing harm to residents’ well-being. At the Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman, we are here when you need a Ventura County elder abuse attorney.

There are so many news stories on how the elderly are treated poorly, abused, neglected, or just abandoned by the same staff hired to take care of them. It is no wonder so many people are skeptical about leaving their loved ones in a home, and why elderly people tend to be deathly afraid of being put in one. Their health, safety, and protection is our number one concern.

Understanding the types of elder abuse that occur in Ventura County

It is important to understand that there are various types of elder abuse that can occur in and around Ventura County. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), we can see that some of the most common types of elder abuse include the following:

  • Physical abuse: This includes any type of abuse designed to inflict pain on an elderly person, Such as kicking, pushing, slapping, burning, hitting, punching, etc.
  • Sexual abuse: This involves any forced or unwanted sexual interaction of any kind with an elderly person.
  • Emotional or psychological abuse: This includes any verbal or non-verbal behaviors that are designed to inflict pain, mental anguish, distress, or fear on an elderly person. Include intentional humiliation or disrespect, threats, harassment, and isolation.
  • Financial abuse: This includes the unauthorized, improper, or illegal use of an elderly person’s money, belongings, assets, or property.
  • Neglect: This refers to the failure to meet an elderly person’s basic needs, including their need for food, water, clothing, shelter, essential medical care, exercise, and hygiene.

Our Ventura County elder abuse attorneys will speak up on your behalf

The tragedy in these cases revolves around the victim’s inability to speak up for themselves as they face physical and financial abuse and neglect. Our Ventura County elder abuse attorney is highly experienced in handling cases against nursing homes and assisted living facilities.

Attorney Herman is committed to protecting the rights of his clients and getting them the care and compensation they deserve. We will carefully investigate the circumstances involved in your case while advocating for your best interests. No one should have to worry about the very people hired to protect from them turning around and torturing or neglecting them. Many people living in nursing homes or assisted living facilities can not fend for themselves, so oftentimes, they are afraid to speak up for fear of retaliation. It is bullying in one of its worst forms.

Contact a Ventura County elder abuse attorney today

If you have found out that your loved one is being abused or neglected, do not hesitate to call our law firm. We will take on your case and fight with compassion and conviction to ensure justice is sought and executed. Give us a call and let our elder abuse attorney sit with you to devise a plan of attack. Do not wait. At the Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman, our Ventura County elder abuse lawyer are ready to help. You can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling 805-983-2344.

The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman has a focus on personal injury cases in other parts of California.

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