Elder Abuse In Nursing Homes Is Common In California

Saturday, April 6, 2019

There could be nothing worse than finding out that an elderly member of your family is being abused by people you have entrusted with their care. Unfortunately, we know that elder abuse at nursing homes and other assisted living facilities is more common than many people think.

At the Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman, we want to help if you discover that an elderly loved one has been abused. Our knowledgeable and experienced team will work to secure the compensation that your loved one deserves. When you need a Ventura County elder abuse attorney, call us today.

What Is Happening?

We are learning that California regulators are allowing poor care to continue in nursing homes around the state. According to a newly released state audit, the number of incidents that could cause death or serious injury “has increased significantly in recent years.”

The audit called out the California Department of Public Health, saying that they have not performed necessary inspections or issued citations the way that they should.

Elder abuse, particularly abuse of those in nursing homes, is not well studied. There are around 16,000 nursing homes in the US, and that number will certainly rise as the average age of our population increases.

A 2017 CNN investigation found that the federal government has cited over 1,000 nursing homes for mishandling or even failing to report cases of sexual assault, rape, and abuse. Experts say that this is likely just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to total instances of abuse.

According to Pat McGinnis, the executive director of California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform, much of the abuse that happens in nursing homes is under-reported and under-investigated. It is also often unnoticed or ignored.

The CDC defines many types of abuse that take place in nursing homes:

  • Physical abuse involves the nursing home staff or volunteers hitting, slapping, choking, pushing, biting, scratching, shaking, or using any other force that causes harm.
  • Sexual abuse is one of the worst things that can happen to an elderly person and often happens to those with dementia and those who are unable to defend themselves. It destroys the dignity of the person being abused.

The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman has a focus on personal injury cases in other parts of California.

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