Essential Responsibilities of Swimming Pool Ownership

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Having a swimming pool on one’s property is a goal of many homeowners. However, pool ownership also involves certain responsibilities. While a backyard pool can be a source of fun and relaxation, homeowners with swimming pools must take certain essential steps to minimize the chances of drownings or pool-related accidents occurring on their properties.

Specific steps they should take include the following:

Installing a Fence

Generally, premises liability laws only apply when someone is injured while legally on someone else’s property. If someone is injured while trespassing, they usually are not eligible for compensation.

However, there are exceptions. For example, young children who wander away from their homes likely do not understand the concept of trespassing.

Pool owners must account for this. To ensure lost or wandering children do not fall into their swimming pools, they should install fences to keep pool areas relatively inaccessible to young children on their properties.

Supervising Children

It’s critical that adults always supervise young children swimming in their pools. Kids can easily harm themselves when adults are not monitoring their behavior.

In fact, whenever a homeowner invites guests to swim or relax in their pool, monitoring their guests’ safety is typically advisable, regardless of age. Children may simply be more likely to drown or be injured than adults if they are playing or swimming in a pool without someone responsible watching over them.

However, even adults are capable of harming themselves or others without proper supervision. This is particularly true when adults overestimate their swimming abilities. Additionally, adults who take a dip in a pool after consuming several alcoholic beverages could be involved in accidents resulting from intoxication. Pool owners can ensure this doesn’t happen by keeping an eye on all guests when throwing pool parties.

Addressing Slippery Surfaces

Algae and other such materials can build up around a pool. These materials often become slippery when exposed to water, which will naturally happen in a pool area. To guard against slip and fall accidents, pool owners should regularly clean the areas around their swimming pools to remove any materials that may be hazardous if left ignored.

Maintaining Proper Chemical Balances

Ensuring the chemical balance of a swimming pool’s water is safe for those in the pool is one of the top responsibilities pool ownership involves. If a person were to swim in a pool with an improper chemical balance, they may develop burns, breathing difficulties, or a range of other potential health problems.

Contact a Ventura County Pool Accident Attorney Today

Have you been involved in a pool accident that might have been avoided if a property owner had not been careless? If so, contact a Ventura County pool accident attorney at The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman. You may be able to recover compensation for your medical bills and other such losses resulting from your accident by filing an insurance claim or a lawsuit. If you are eligible for compensation, we will help you secure it. Learn more about how we can help by contacting us online or calling us at 805-983-2344 to schedule a free consultation.

The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman has a focus on personal injury cases in other parts of California.

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