Metrolink Accidents: Essential Pedestrian Safety Tips

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

A pedestrian on the train tracks near North Irwindale Avenue and East San Bernardino Road in the Sun Valley neighborhood of Ventura County was killed on Wednesday, August 10, when they were struck by a Metrolink train. Although an investigation began shortly after the accident, it is still too early to determine whether this tragedy was the result of anyone’s negligence.

This is certainly not an instance in which it is appropriate to cast blame on anyone for this accident. More information may need to be uncovered before it can be determined whether anyone is at fault for causing the crash.

However, Metrolink tragedies like this one serve as unfortunate reminders of the harm trains can cause. They also remind us that exercising caution when walking near train tracks is essential.

Tips to avoid being harmed in a Metrolink pedestrian accident include the following:

Don’t walk on the tracks

Depending on where you’re walking, there may be instances when it is necessary to cross a set of train tracks on foot. Only do so in areas where making such crossings is legally permitted.

Check for any signs of an oncoming train before crossing, and get to the other side of the tracks as quickly as possible. Don’t walk on or along the tracks.

Know your route

If you’re going to be walking in an unfamiliar area and you suspect your route might take you near Metrolink tracks, check a map beforehand to confirm your suspicions. You’ll be more likely to exercise proper caution when approaching train tracks if you know they are nearby.

Minimize distractions

It’s always important to limit distractions when walking as a pedestrian. Don’t listen to loud music that prevents you from being able to hear what’s happening around you, and don’t look down at your phone when you should be looking at the road or path in front of you.

This is particularly important advice to remember when walking near Metrolink tracks. If you’re listening to music, looking at your phone, or both, you might accidentally step into the path of a train that you didn’t see or hear.

Also, keep in mind that music and your phone are not the only distractions that can put you in harm’s way. Even something as seemingly insignificant as a conversation with a friend could potentially keep you from noticing that you’re walking dangerously close to train tracks.

Don’t walk while intoxicated

In the United States, we’re bombarded with messages about the dangers of drunk driving. This is as it should be. Driving while intoxicated can put your life and the lives of others at risk.

However, we must also remember to share messages about the dangers of drunk walking. If you’re walking near train tracks while intoxicated, it’s possible you’ll be injured as a result of stumbling in front of a train or making a judgment error and crossing the tracks when a train is approaching.

All that said, there are some instances when Metrolink accidents occur as a result of another party’s negligence. You deserve financial compensation for your medical bills and related losses if you’re ever injured in such an accident.

At The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman, a Ventura County Metrolink accident attorney is available to help victims of these crashes pursue fair settlements. Learn more about what our firm can do for you by contacting us online or calling us at 805-983-2344.

The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman has a focus on personal injury cases in other parts of California.

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