Camarillo Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Barreling down the road in your new Harley-Davidson, you feel the wind on your face and the freedom that most people dream of. Ah yes, there’s nothing like two-wheeled therapy.

Suddenly, an oncoming delivery truck driver – who’s texting his wife – clips your front wheel, and now you’re flipping down the road, breaking numerous bones and all but destroying your Hog.

We’ve had numerous cases like this. A Camarillo motorcycle accident attorney from The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman can immediately begin working on your horrific situation so you can begin recovering.

From lost wages to uncovered medical expenses, we fight for injured motorcycle owners.

Two Wheeled Accidents Hurt. We’ll Get Compensation You Deserve.

Because motorcycles weigh less and are balanced by riders, crashes result in more devastating injuries – often fatal.

What’s more catastrophic about these accidents is that many occur during short trips.

We’ve armed each motorcycle accident attorney in our firm with access to every law regarding motorcycle operation, right of way, proper lane usage and insurance company ‘fine print’. The last thing our injured clients want is to be insulted with some offer worth pennies. Bear in mind many Harley Davidson motorcycles cost as much as passenger cars, as do Indian, BMW, Ducati and many others.

Our firm will represent family members of victims who’ve succumbed to their motorcycle-related injuries, too. Remember, we collect nothing if we fail to settle your case.

Insurance Bullies Intimidate Motorcycle Owners – We Bully Back.

Motorcycle insurance companies will never stop bullying customers they spent millions in advertising trying to get. Do you really think saving 15% after a 15-minute phone or internet session will amount to a hill of beans when that same insurance company won’t honor the policy they write?

Don’t let misunderstandings or verbal torture stop you from getting every penny your accidents are worth. Each Camarillo motorcycle accident attorney, compassionate and comprehensive in their craft, is empowered to help victims by:

  • Recreating the accident to better understand what went wrong;
  • Phoning all insurance companies involved;
  • Sending formal demands, if deemed proper;
  • Collecting reports from hospitals and law enforcement;
  • Gathering payoff quote and GAP information if you’ve financed your motorcycle.

Even the most skilled motorcycle operator can find themselves seriously injured if another vehicle isn’t paying attention, or simply disobeys traffic signals and signage. Teaming up with The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman immediately puts a powerful ally in your corner.

Only Courts – Not Insurers – Are Empowered to Determine Fault

Under no circumstance does your motorcycle insurance company have legal grounds to determine fault, although they’ll try hard to.

Armed with facts, victim’s statements and all evidence, only a jury or judge have the right to determine fault, and why. Because obvious facts are often damning, insurance company legal departments are quick to either get key pieces of evidence thrown out – or meet a Camarillo motorcycle accident attorney on the courthouse steps to settle before the jury begins deliberating.

Motorcycle accidents are serious. Schedule your initial case review with The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman today.

The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman has a focus on personal injury cases in other parts of California.

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