Camarillo Truck Accident Attorney

You didn’t mean to sit innocently at the red light when an unforgiving semi rammed into your vehicle, sending you airborne through your windshield.

But it happened.

Now you’re dealing with traumatic injuries, medical bills, and being without reliable transportation. To make things worse, your insurance company wants to shift blame to you.

The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman, a Camarillo truck accident attorney with decades of courtroom experience dealing with trucking and insurance companies, will vigorously work your case until every penny you deserve is recovered.

We won’t charge one red cent until we’ve won your case.

Commercial Vehicle Accidents. Regardless of Size, We Fight Them All.

Since the greater portion of truck accidents involve commercial vehicles battering passenger cars, fighting both insurance company and trucking outfit can be challenging for victims. In fact, nothing pleases an insurance adjuster more than hearing someone admit blame, or is willing to settle the claim for a pittance of its face value.

But you hired an aggressive truck accident attorney at The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman. Suddenly, the tables turn. And instead of feeling confident they’re saving themselves and the trucking company money, they’re scrambling to meet with our attorneys to avoid an ‘unneeded’ day in court.

We help victims beginning the moment the accident is reported to us.

Regardless if you’ve been faultlessly injured by an armored truck, taxicab, grain truck, flatbed semi or farming implement, The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman can fight for your rights and settle your case fairly.

Injured? A Camarillo Truck Accident Lawyer Fights Insurance Companies.

Understand one thing before phoning an attorney: insurance companies will, by nature, offer what they feel bodily injury is worth and fail to consider you’re stuck without a car. So, you may end up getting $5,000 for your physical torture and not receive a dime to compensate for your damaged vehicle. On all levels, this is wrong. Trucking companies pull these and other tricks daily, and we know them well.

Some of these ‘tricks’ include:

  • Intimidating you into taking blame when, in fact, the blame is obviously theirs;
  • Taking your car into an automobile repair shop of their choosing;
  • ‘Forgetting’ to contact your insurance company;
  • Taking cash payments on the spot to avoid paying more;
  • Altering facts leading up to the accident.

You have the right to seek damages for medical bills, repairs to your vehicle that your insurance wouldn’t cover, monetary relief for pain and suffering, and any other monies deemed just and proper based on your case. For example, if your $40,000 Range Rover gets totaled, but your insurance deductible and gap coverage only offers $30,500 after deductible, seeking enough to replace your vehicle is well within your rights.

Involved in a semi versus semi accident? If your Kenworth is worth $390,000 and insurance will only cover a portion, we’ll make sure you’re put back on the road, too, with a repaired big rig.

Free Consultation With Camarillo Truck Accident Lawyers

The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman, every in-house Camarillo truck accident attorney knows your rights. We’ll fight to preserve them while structuring the greatest possible settlement possible.

Involved in an accident, and the trucking company is intimidating you? Contact us today.

The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman has a focus on personal injury cases in other parts of California.

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