Oxnard Pool Accident Attorney

While on vacation or simply relaxing by the pool no one expects a pool accident to occur. Unfortunately, even expert swimmers can suffer from a pool accident. If you or a loved one become the victim of an unfortunate pool accident it is imperative that you contact the Oxnard pool accident attorneys at The Law Office of J. Jeffrey Herman. Our legal team will work hard to get you the compensation you deserve for your injuries and damages, whether they are physical or emotional.

At The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman, we offer the solid legal advice you and your loved ones need after a pool accident. We have been serving clients in Oxnard and the surrounding areas for over 30 years. We are courtroom veterans and understand all the arguments your case may need. We are also familiar with the common concerns clients tend to have and are prepared to answer all your questions.

Pool accident categories

There are different types of pool accidents, which can occur in both private and public settings. Whatever the scenario is, Oxnard pool accident attorney J. Jeffrey Herman and his team will work diligently to reach a positive outcome on your behalf. A high amount of pool accidents are the cause of another person’s negligence while others involve safety concerns. Among the most common swimming pool accidents you will find:

  • Slip and fall
  • Scuba diving accidents
  • Lifeguard negligence
  • Child drowning

These accidents may cause catastrophic injuries such as:

These are only some injuries that a pool accident can cause. Some people may become permanently disabled as a result of the accident. It can be a very painful and costly recovery for the injured victims. You need to contact your doctor immediately after a pool accident and ask your attorney how your legal needs can be met. With the help of the right attorney, you have higher chance of obtaining the maximum compensation for your claim. This is essential to pay for all of your medical bills and punitive damages like loss of work. If you get involved in a swimming pool accident or perhaps you have lost a loved one in a drowning accident, a pool accident attorney will be able to assist you in determining what to do next and what your overall plan of action should be.

Compensation available in Oxnard

When the parties responsible for the maintenance of the pool failed to live up to the established laws and someone gets injured, they become liable for all the damages they have caused the victim, which may include:

  • Medical bills
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation
  • Lost wages, including lost earning capacity
  • Loss of enjoyment and disfigurement
  • Wrongful death when the victim dies in the accident

Safety is the number one priority for pool owners whether it be a private pool or a community use pool. Owners understand they are liable for anything that happens in their pool and on their property.

Contact an Oxnard pool accident attorney

At The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman, we have extensive experience handling cases like yours. If you or a loved one has been injured in a pool accident and you don’t know where to turn, call us today and schedule your initial case evaluation. Oxnard pool accident attorney J. Jeffrey Herman will go over your legal options and will explain what compensation benefits you are entitled to receive and what your best plan of action will be.

The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman has a focus on personal injury cases in other parts of California.

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