Santa Barbara Dog Bite Attorney

Dog bites leave tremendous physical and emotional scars in their aftermath. Unlike other personal injuries where facts are more clearly defined, proving fault and holding dog owners accountable. So not only are victims often left with expenses related to recovering (and possibly plastic surgery), they’re fearful of outcomes not favorable to their horrific situation.

A Santa Barbara dog bite lawyer at The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman quickly intervenes on behalf of injured persons, handling every facet of their claim from fact-finding to dialogue with a home insurer.

Scarred from a dog bite? We’ll help make things right!

How We Approach Dog Bite Cases

Several aggravating circumstances will build a strong case for our clients. They may include:

  • Dog owner failed to secure pet on its own premises;
  • Dog’s aggression was unwarranted;
  • Proper signage warning visitors that an aggressive dog was on-premises;
  • Dog owner’s failure to maintain shots caused a dog to become unnecessarily rabid;
  • The victim was outside of the dog owner’s property area when the assault occurred.

A final way in which the owner may be found responsible is if they fail to intervene during the dog attack. This makes them more liable than the original dog attack, as they have done nothing to prevent it while refusing to aid the bite victim. Not only does this demonstrate neglect, but it also fails to comply with the duty to rescue which intensifies their liability.

We have an experienced, understanding dog bite attorney who can sort through all facts surround this vicious attack, and hold all responsible parties liable for medical expenses, loss of work and suffering. No two cases are identical, and our fees are contingency-based.

With so many facts, testimonies and laws to sift through, speaking to The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman would be an excellent start. Certain laws are much stricter than others and may deal with the first offenses as seriously as continued violations.

Knowing the dog was ferocious before the bite occurred is a possible defense the dog owner may raise. Don’t attempt to retaliate or civilly punish pet owners before speaking with an attorney.

Bitten by Bowser? We Bite Back.

In 2011 alone, $479 million was paid out from dog attacks in civil liability cases and settlements nationwide. In fact, one-third of all homeowner liability claims pertaining to dog bites and dog attacks. It’s a scarily fast-growing area of law that is gaining greater and greater representation as well as more specialized representation.

You, like scores of other people that have been savaged by a frenzied dog, deserve to be remunerated for at least your medical expenses. Because we have an incredible Santa Barbara dog bite attorney experienced in litigating accidents of this magnitude, reaching a fair settlement is more than possible.

Certain dog breeds are unpredictable by nature. If you’re experiencing pains and financial suffering due to an unkind dog, don’t get bitten by an insurer. Instead, let The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman bite back.

The consultation is free, and the peace of mind knowing an attorney is fighting for you is priceless.

Contact us For Dog Bite Lawyers in Santa Barbara

If you need a Santa Barbara dog bite lawyer, contact us for a free consultation. You can reach us by calling 805-983-2344. Our experienced attorneys are ready to help you navigate the legal process and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to discuss your case and explore your legal options.

The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman has a focus on personal injury cases in other parts of California.

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