Santa Barbara Elder Abuse Attorney

Imagine waking up one morning to your phone ringing. It’s your sister, who after visiting your father at his assisted living center, tells you of deep bruising and his foul-smelling clothing and body.

This is your father. Your family’s breadwinner during your childhood. An upstanding citizen of a community he helped build. You’re obviously livid beyond words, so you phone a Santa Barbara elder abuse attorney at The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman.

You did the right thing. Now you’ve added 30 years of courtroom experience and knowledge of elder law to your arsenal.

Our law firm has handled many, many situations where an abused senior citizen is reported by another family member. It’s sickening to its core. This is why we fight so diligently to make sure not only this never happens again, but the responsible parties are held accountable – all the way down to housekeeping if need be.

What Establishes an Elder Abuse Case?

Senior citizen homes designed to assist the elderly with day-to-day living are a liability for much more than many realize. While many elderly folks see their entire retirement and social security checks confiscated to pay expenses such as meals, activities, health care and housekeeping services, abuse begins where those expenses end.

Many cases an elder abuse attorney will litigate involve:

  • Financial frauds, including identity theft. Senior citizens who maintained good credit are easy prey for shady workers who force the elderly to sign credit applications, even add themselves as sole beneficiaries to financial accounts and life insurance.
  • Physical abuse. Frail and unable to defend themselves, assisted living employees having a bad day or with anger issues will take their frustrations out on folks who cannot fight back or flee.
  • Sexual abuse. Same as above, but involving sexual predators or perverts wanting sexual encounters with people unable to move or say ‘no’.
  • Emotional abuse. Perhaps even worse than physical and sexual abuse, intimidating or otherwise humiliating elderly folks makes employees of assisted living facilities feel larger than life.

These actions can be caused by friends or family, too. If activities which detriment your elderly loved one’s lifestyle are happening at facilities who profess ‘tight security’, contact us immediately. Anyone who is complicit to these activities, albeit indirectly, can be held responsible.

We Fight Elder Abusers

Perpetrators of elder abuse don’t stop just at assisted homes. We’ve seen cases where real estate designated for distribution to other family members is outright stolen. Heirlooms, like jewelry or expensive trinkets, are stolen from dormant homes. The list of actions these abusers take is endless.

Get Santa Barbara elder abuse attorney assistance when you need it most. The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman will utilize laws and procedures to preserve your elderly loved one’s innocence and way of life. We’ll get the compensation they deserve, while working to cancel any contractual obligations they may have with the offending person(s) place of business.

You, the concerned loved one, can end elder abuse. We take cases on contingency, meaning the facility who aided in abusing your elderly person will pay our attorney costs upon settlement or by court award.

If we lose, you owe us nothing.

The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman has a focus on personal injury cases in other parts of California.

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