Santa Barbara Slip and Fall Accident Attorney

Owner negligence often contributes to numerous slip and fall accidents. The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman handles. These preventable premises problems can lead to serious bodily injury, death, or even dismemberment. A Santa Barbara slip and fall accident attorney defends clients all over Santa Barbara and Ventura counties who’ve been wrongfully injured at the expense of careless building owners.

Taken a hard fall? The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman will take your call!

Understanding Premises Liability

California law upholds strict standards of premises care, punishing the lack thereof with fines, fees, and even business closure if willfully negligent. The level of premises liability depends on what purpose each building serves.

Here are some instances where owners are directly liable for invitees, which are individuals who don’t live on-premises but are publicly welcome to visit:

  • Museum stairs cave in during a tour. While the weight of multiple bodies may contribute to stairs collapsing, code violations will still get handed down as commercial property owners should expect large crowds to simultaneously use stairways, especially if elevators are out.
  • A worker slips on a surface covered in foreign substances. The moment an unsafe surface is recognized, it must be identified as unsafe via signage or establishing a ‘no entry’ perimeter.
  • The wet bathroom floor causes a patron to fall. These incidents are fairly common; ‘expecting someone to notice a wet floor’ isn’t an equitable defense.
  • Poorly maintained apartment stairs crumble, injuring a tenant. Although many apartment complexes maintain their properties, many more are unkempt. It is the landlord’s responsibility to maintain safe living conditions for their tenants.

Premises liabilities have fine legal lines which, when crossed, create enough probable cause to merit filing civil cases to recover damages for individuals affected. Litigating against violators of premises laws is what each slip and fall accident attorney at The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman is trained to do.

Premises Cases Take Skill to Fight

Many aggravating factors, such as willful noncompliance with city code, can help us build sufficient evidence to settle your claim. Circumstances that building owners will attempt to leverage in their corner include one major variable: Was the building owner properly served to notice a condition that existed that needed attention? This is where we leverage case law, past decisions, and witness testimony.

Falls have a substantial impact on victims’ ability to live, pay bills, and perform their jobs. As the leading cause of unintentional injury across the U.S., slips and falls happen right before our eyes daily. We found one business journal that estimated Walmart has over 1,000 incidents per day.

Santa Barbara slip and fall accident attorney help is right around the corner. Don’t let premises owners get away with maintaining horrible conditions; The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman can hold culprits of poor building conditions accountable on your behalf.

Building owners, regardless of size, hate being dragged into court. Since we’re not afraid to build an ironclad case against them, many opt to make deals to compensate you for injuries outside of court.

Because we charge nothing until your case is settled, contact us to schedule a courtesy case review.

The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman has a focus on personal injury cases in other parts of California.

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