Santa Barbara Spinal Injury Attorney

Looking Out For the Best Interests of Accident Victims

Accidents can happen anywhere and at any time, even at work. Walking is a motor function we often take for granted because it is so natural. However, when a person suffers from a serious spinal injury, the ability to walk may come into jeopardy. This forces a person to live the rest of their life in a wheelchair. Your life is forever changed, not just physically but also emotionally and financially. The emotional scars of losing your mobility are not easy to get over and move forward from. The tremendous financial burdens, such as medical bills, physical therapy, permanent assistance, and other issues, affect not only you but your family as well. If you or someone you know has suffered a spinal injury due to the negligence of others, it is vital to seek representation from an experienced Santa Barbara spinal injury attorney with a track record of protecting the rights of accident victims. For more than 30 years, personal injury attorney J. Jeffrey Herman has been protecting the rights of accident victims.

How a Santa Barbara Spinal Injury Attorney Can Help?

Every accident is different, as well as every injury, but spinal injuries are classified as catastrophic. This means that the injury is irreversible and permanent. This also means they will require assistance to survive and live a good quality of life regardless of how resourceful or courageous they are. The legal team at The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman is ready to help.

Although there is no way to reverse the effects of a spinal cord injury, our Santa Barbara personal injury law firm is committed to helping clients find the best possible treatment and rehabilitation options. Your personal health and well-being is always our first priority. Over the years, we have successfully represented many men and women who suffer from tetraplegia, quadriplegia, and triplegia due to a variety of accidents, including:

The Importance of Recovering Maximum Compensation

Accident victims rely on every dollar to live a comfortable life, and recovering the maximum compensation is crucial. You will require lifetime treatment and assistance, and that does not come cheap. This can seem overwhelming, but don’t throw in the towel yet. Schedule an initial consultation with our Santa Barbara spinal injury attorneys to discuss your case and begin building a plan of action to recover the maximum compensation for your injuries. Our team of legal professionals will help you understand your rights and the steps necessary to pursue compensation. We will be with you all the way through the trial if necessary. When a spinal injury is the result of someone else’s negligence, the victim has every right to take action to recover the compensation they deserve.

Contact Santa Barbara Spinal Injury Attorney J. Jeffrey Herman For a Free Initial Consultation

Accident victims with spinal injuries have dealt with a litany of physical, mental, and emotional trauma. The legal team at the Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman understands our clients are going through a difficult time. We are committed to protecting your rights and are always looking after your best interests. To learn how a Santa Barbara spinal injury can help, contact our law offices today and schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.

The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman has a focus on personal injury cases in other parts of California.

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