Children Left Orphaned Due to Drunk Driving Accident

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Car accidents are scary. While accidents happen, being injured by a drunk driver’s negligence is unacceptable. If someone chooses to drink, then there are numerous safe ways of coming home. There are ride-share apps, taxis, and having a designated driver to start. There are no excuses for driving while under the influence.

When you need a Ventura County, California, drunk driving accident attorney, call The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman. Our dedicated and knowledgeable team will secure the compensation you serve. Call today.

Drunk Driving Suspected in Head-on Collision

On February 15, a driver collided head-on with a family in West Sacramento. Rasul Afzili, 37, and Anila Afzili, 29, were pronounced dead at the scene. It is not known if their two children are seriously injured. The couple’s children were taken to an area hospital. The driver, who is suspected of causing the crash, was also taken to an area hospital with serious injuries.

Sgt. Eric Angle of the West Sacramento Police Department said the crash happened late Monday, around 11:32 pm. The police are investigating the accident. Initial findings suggest the driver who caused the accident was driving “under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.”

The family was driving home after celebrating their father’s birthday.

Driving Under the Influence in California

Impaired driving is one of the major causes of serious accidents. According to Berkeley SafeTREC, Safe Transportation Research and Education Center, a person was killed from alcohol-impaired driving every 50 minutes in the latest reporting year. The data also suggests that the highest number of injuries in fatal collisions are concentrated in southern and central California, the most in Ventura County. Residents were asked about their top safety concerns in the Traffic Safety Study. The second most cited safety concern was driving under the influence.

  • In the latest reporting year, 1,059 people were killed in alcohol-impaired collisions in California
  • There were 3,623 motor vehicle deaths where a driver had a BAC of .08
  • Testing rates, however, only accounted for 23.7% of drivers involved in fatal crashes, suggesting the real numbers could be much higher
  • Nearly half of all alcohol-involved fatalities occur between 9 pm and 3 am

Drunk driving in California isn’t new. It is a problem that has plagued our roads for years. Accidents caused by drunk drivers tend to be more severe for a few reasons. Often, when a person chooses to drink, they operate recklessly and at higher speeds. In some cases, impaired drivers don’t slow down before hitting another car, pedestrian, or fixed object.

Call The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman Today

If a drunk driver has injured you or someone you love, you need a drunk driving accident lawyer in Ventura County, California. Call the highly sought-after attorneys at The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman. Our knowledgeable team will see you and your family receive the compensation you deserve. Contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling 805-983-2344.

The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman has a focus on personal injury cases in other parts of California.

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