What To Know Before Settling A Car Insurance Claim

Friday, January 5, 2018

If you are involved in a vehicle accident, you need to file a personal claim. It is possible that your insurance company will try to offer you a settlement with a lower offer than the one you are entitled to receive. It is important to be prepared and legally equipped to handle any adverse circumstances you may encounter along the way. This is only possible when you hire an experienced  Ventura County car accident attorney . Your attorney can help you negotiate and receive a fair settlement.

How Insurance Companies Handle These Claims?

It is common for insurance companies to offer low settlements on personal injury claims. Remember they want to save money so they will offer you the lowest amount possible and ask you to accept it. Some of the most common arguments you will hear include:

  • The accident was your fault and they won’t be able to compensate you accordingly.
  • The amount you are asking for is too high and unjustified.
  • You don’t have the documents required to prove the injuries sustained during the accident so they won’t reimburse you.

Negotiating Your Settlement

After you submit the documents required for your claim, you will request the amount of money you need based on the injuries sustained during the accident and property damage. The insurance adjuster will contact you and talk about your claim. The information gathered will be used to figure out how much you will receive. If you are not happy with the settlement you receive, you can hire a Ventura County car accident attorney to help you reach a fair amount.

When negotiating with the insurance adjuster, you should already know what’s the minimum amount you are willing to accept but don’t disclose this information. It is possible some information or evidence they have gathered will weaken your claim. You should be flexible and don’t rush to accept an offer. You can always ask the insurance adjuster about the reasons why you were offered a lower amount than the one you requested.

The Settlement Is Final

Once you agree to a settlement amount you won’t be able to renegotiate. You will sign a release form, which means you have agreed to the proposed settlement. It is important you don’t sign this form until you agree with your  insurance settlement.

Hiring An Attorney Can Be Worthwhile

It is not easy getting the compensation you are entitled to receive. You might want to consider contacting a local attorney to handle all the legal aspects. Depending on the circumstances surrounding your accident, personal injury claims  can be complex. Also, if your case is taking too long to settle, you may miss the statute of limitations. Sometimes insurance adjusters will pressure you to settle quickly or offer a lower amount. This is the time for your attorney to intervene and obtain the highest compensation for your car accident injuries.

The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman has a focus on personal injury cases in other parts of California.

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