Not So Fun In The Sun

Friday, October 19, 2018

The beautiful weather of southern California warrants a lot of pool time. Everyone loves to play in the pool during warm weather, but regardless of how good you can swim there are dangers in the pool area. From drowning to slipping and falling, there are various intensities of injuries that can occur in pool areas. The most devastating stories are of small children who have drowned in pools, but there are equally distressing stories of neglectful lifeguards or adults becoming severely injured due to a slip and fall.

Pool accidents can vary from broken bones to loss of life. As fun as they are they can be quite dangerous. Not too long ago in our surrounding community of Thousand Oaks, a group of teens between the ages of 11-15 was hospitalized after swimming in a pool that was polluted with chemicals. The swim class didn’t last long in the pool before reporting issues with breathing even after exiting the water. Emergency vehicles were dispatched and the scene was quite shocking. Almost all students had on oxygen masks while others were laid out on stretchers. Some were sicker than others, but all were showing signs of some physical illness. The final report suggested an overexposure to chlorine. It was suggested that the automatic system that controlled the chlorine was defective in some way causing more chlorine to enter the pool than necessary.

The chemical exposure was an accident, but by having an attorney on your side we can investigate to understand how an accident like this. Thankfully no one lost their life, but this is very traumatizing for a student at such an age. Our Pool Accident Attorneys at the Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman in Ventura are ready to investigate your situation. At our practice, we put our clients first. We believe in you and your story and we want to do everything we possibly can to remedy your situation. For example, in the pool situation was there any kind of neglect of the staff of the pool? Was the neglect from the maintenance crew? Was there neglect from the product manufacturers? We understand that any injury, physical or mental, is traumatic and can lead to unplanned expenses. Our Pool Attorneys are equipped with resources and education to help you get the compensation you need to deal with any medical bills or loss of income due to injury.

Kinds of Pool Accidents

The scenario above deals with a legitimate pool. We understand that water accidents don’t just deal with youths or open swimming pools. Instead, we have various categories of pool accidents: slip and falls, scuba diving accidents, lifeguard negligence, and child drowning. These are accidents that can cause serious or catastrophic events. Our Ventura County Pool Accident Attorneys understand the severity of any injury, and we are willing to be there for you no matter how it happens. Call us 805-983-2344 or click here for a free consultation on how we can help you.

The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman has a focus on personal injury cases in other parts of California.

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