Reviving The Christmas Spirit After Ventura County Fires

Friday, December 22, 2017

After the fire has moved to the north, many Venturans try to revive the Christmas spirit among the ashes. City officials and residents are already planning recovery and trying to get back to normal. But it will take a while before the areas devastated by the fire can be called normal. Some businesses are still hoping to attract shoppers before Christmas, particularly small businesses that struggled during the past week.

It is just nice seeing people walking around, but unfortunately, many have lost their homes so it may not be a good experience for them. The week prior to Christmas is supposed to be one of the busiest and happiest weeks of the year but it is just difficult to revive the Christmas spirit after one of the largest and most devastating wildfires have destroyed your hometown.

Many residents feel saddened not only by their loss but also by how friends and family were directly harmed by the fire. Merchants and business owners are trying to help the city and economy recover. Firefighters are also wandering Main Street checking stores and businesses that had reopened. At least it is no longer a ghost town. Some business owners had used their businesses as shelters since they had power and internet and they felt more comfortable and safer staying there.

Merchants throughout the city had prepared to celebrate the annual holiday festival with an outdoor pajama party as well as live music and marketplace. But these plans perished in the devastating fire. They had hoped to decorate Christmas trees throughout the city but unfortunately, the fire changed everything.

Some sources say that strong winds could revive the fire in Ventura counties. There are still hillside homes threatened by the deadly fire. Crews are trying to control burns so if the winds come back they don’t cause as much damage. The winds are said to reach 60 mph and they are expected to increase in Ventura County.

This has been one of the largest fires in California’s history. Some firefighters plan to spend Christmas and New Year firefighting. The fire risk is supposed to last into January and it may continue unless the climate changes. Fire crews from the north have been sent and even National Guard helicopters. But the flames seem cruel. Even with that many resources, the fire is still out of control.

Helping burn injury victims in Ventura County

If you or a loved one has suffered a burn injury, make sure you seek medical treatment before the injuries become more severe and speak with a Ventura County burn injury attorney to handle the legalities. Survivors of burn injuries often need ongoing treatment until they are fully cured. You can seek full and fair compensation to help you cover the medical costs, lost income, and pain and suffering, based on the circumstances surrounding your burn injury case.

Our love and prayers go out to California wildfires victims and their families. May your Christmas revive only good memories and hopeful wishes for the coming year.

The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman has a focus on personal injury cases in other parts of California.

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