Teen Fatalities in Motor Vehicle Accidents Are Increasing

Friday, December 18, 2020

The day you dread is finally here.  Your teenage son has his driver’s license.

The day is bitter-sweet. On the one hand, you are so proud. He is growing up. On the other hand, it means an added risk to his life. Suddenly, you remember all the things you did when you first started driving. You remember the risks you took, the piles of friends in your car, the late nights after curfew, and your first accident.

Maybe you had a fender-bender or two in your day, or perhaps you suffered a critical accident that you still feel today. Maybe you lost a friend in high school.  Your son getting his license is a huge step.  Make sure he is prepared.

At the Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman, we know all too well that car accidents happen every day.  If you or someone you love has been injured in a car accident in Ventura, California, the Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman is here for you.  Our dedicated car accident attorney will assess your damages, negotiate on your behalf with the insurance companies, and guide you through the aftermath of a collision.  If you’re hurt, suffered lost wages, or lost someone in a car accident, the Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman may be able to help.

6 Teens Die in Car Crashes Every Day

In California, the number of teens dying in car accidents has escalated. In the latest reporting year,

Tragically, California news has no shortage of these stories.  It’s hard to turn on the TV or scroll through the headlines without seeing pictures of solemn faces and crash sites littered with flowers.

What California is Doing

The CHP and Impact Teen Drivers believe instilling positive driving habits can bring these numbers down.  Virtual classes will be held through September 30, 2021.  These classes will focus on distracted driving and include education and enforcement components to help protect teen drivers.

What You Can Do

If you have a teenager about to start driving or already on the road, make sure they know the impact of distracted driving. If your teens have a habit of checking their phones too often, remove the distraction to the back seat and only use Bluetooth if necessary. Try to limit the number of passengers to one. We all know teenagers won’t listen to everything you have to say, but limiting distractions can have an enormous impact.

If your teen has been injured in a car accident in California, you need someone to help you through the paperwork, legalities, and insurance company so you can focus on your child.  You are there for them.  We’ll be here for you.

When you need a car accident attorney in Ventura, California, call the Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman for a free consultation by clicking here or calling 805-983-2344.

The Law Offices of J. Jeffrey Herman has a focus on personal injury cases in other parts of California.

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